About Us
Owners Michael Sublett and Samuel Wibowo opened the first Odd Moe’s Pizza on May 7th 1999 in McMinnville Oregon. Mike and Sam first met in Sacramento while working for another pizza company. Mike convinced Sam to move to Oregon where he was from. Since that time we have been blessed with people and opportunities and have opened a total of 8 locations. From day one we have always stayed with the same philosophy; Find the people that like our products and keep them happy and full. From the very beginning we have strived to give back to the communities that have supported us.

Through Odd Moe’s Pizza we have been fortunate to help sponsor oodles of sports teams, help build a skate park, award high school scholarships, work with Linfield College, Corbin College and other local colleges as well. We get a kick out of the elementary school tours as well as speaking to a couple of marketing and economic classes at the high schools. We have strived to not only support as many groups and organizations that we can, but also form partnerships in our community as well. Many booster groups have used Odd Moe’s Pizza as a tool for fundraising which has allowed them to accomplish a variety of great things. There are so many groups that are raising money to help build, preserve and support our community and we are excited to throw our 2 cents in where we can.
A lot of people think that we are a franchise… nope. However, we are in the process of creating a franchising opportunities. There have been some interesting curve balls thrown our way. Hence Odd Moe. Interested on what that has to do with our franchise stuff? See Who’s Odd Moe.
At this time we employee a little over 60 people. We have so many people to thank and hope they know how much we appreciate their hard work and commitment. We have one person that we would like to mention though. Valarie Carpenter. Val has been with us since almost day one. I don’t know how she has put up with us. We feel very lucky.
Along with the people that have helped Odd Moe’s Pizza grow have been the suppliers. Roma Foods and Pepsi have been our main suppliers since the beginning. They have helped us to maintain our consistency in the products we sell and the service we strive for. We are looking forward to continuing this formula from here on out. West Coast Bank is another business that has been here since the beginning. Thank you.