If you’re reading this, congrats! You are surviving 2020, a world where a global pandemic struck, and now, Oregon is on fire. But, one of the biggest challenges you will face on top of this is navigating online learning. You not only have to be a parent but a teacher as well. As public servants, we believe it’s our duty to help you get through these tough times, so here’s our advice! 

  1. Controlling Our Emotions

We can face things out of our control without reacting out of our control. Repeat this phrase whenever you feel like you are about to lose it juggling online learning, work, and home. We want to be there for our kids, and sometimes it’s embarrassing when we don’t know the right answer. Let’s not mask our feelings with anger; instead, let’s use our resources to research and ask questions. Tell your kids you’re proud of them for navigating online school and being in this together. 

  1. Stay In Contact With Teachers 

We cannot emphasize this enough! Please stay in constant contact with your teachers. Educators today are working extremely hard to teach your kids online by re-adapting their pedagogies; making their virtual content fun, exciting, and relevant. Educators clearly went into this field because of their passion for teaching and not the pay. So, stay in contact with your teacher to get the most out of your online experience. 

  1. Create a Schedule 

We can’t just stay in our pajamas all day; we need a schedule to reinforce our efficiency and time management skill-set. Create a schedule that works for you and your kiddos. This holds you both accountable for completing your tasks. In addition, having a routine is great because of its a distraction from the world’s problems. 

We hope these three tips helped you feel better about navigating the world of online learning. We know it’s a stressful time, and you’re doing great! By keeping our emotions under control, staying in contact with our teachers, and creating a schedule, your life will become less stressful. 

When you’ve had a long day and are not in the mood to cook, we can help you out! Order online or call, and we’ll deliver right to your door. No contact, no worries! If you decide to pick up your pizza, we’ll give you a 2-liter soda to take home with you. Stay safe!

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