Are you ready to party?!? It the answer is yes then you have some planning to do! Having a successful and super fun party is a great way to make stronger connections with your current friends, make new friends, celebrate a new home or a birthday! There are really so many reasons to throw a party it would be impossible to list all of the reasons, but the formula for a good party is pretty universal! Good food, good drink, good company  is really what it all comes down to. I you want to have a successful party then here are some tips that could help you make it happen!

Basics of Planning it!

One of the first things you are going to want to think about is how many people  are you going to want to have at your party. You also have to decide what kind of party you want to have. If you want to have a small causal party then your home is a great place to hold a you nice little party. If you are going for a bigger group you could consider renting out a building like a bar or community center. But if you are planning to have a very large  group, and perhaps a little more fancy, then you are going to want to consider a banquet hall or event center. You also have to decide date, and times. These are the first steps you are going to want to consider when planning for your successful party.

Next step: Invites!

If you have your spot figured out or you have it reserved for your party, your next step is fully deciding and sending out invites. In this day and age we are super lucky to have options as far as how we send out invitations. We could go old school with snail mail and send out solid invites, we could send out invites via email addresses, we could make an event on social media, ect. But make sure you give a RSVP date on your invites whatever alley you choose, having a RSVP date will help you with other steps in your party planning.


You need to decide if you are going to have an extravagant menu or if you  are going to go simple. Do you want to handle the food for yourself or do you want it catered. You also have to think about your setting and audience. Of you are having a casual at home party with lots of kids then you are going to want to go for a simpler kid friendly menu. If you are having a more upscale  adults only kind of party you are going to want to go with a broad taste spectrum. Whatever you choose we can help you are Odd Moe’s, we have everything from plain old cheese to fancy extravagant pizzas! We also offer catering!


Are you planning a themed party? If you are make sure you let guests know! If you are just going with simple decorations make sure you get them before hand so there no surprises the day of the party! And don’t forget to clean up your house and put away valuables in cause the party  gets crazy!

Party Time!

The day has arrived and you have planned the perfect day! You have all your Odd Moe’s pizza, salads, appetizers, and drinks(including beer!). It is now time to relax! Eat, drink, and be merry! Don’t stress to much and try to enjoy yourself!

 Now that you have been give a formula for planning your party don’t forget to give Odd Moe’s a call to order your party food either for self pick up or catering.

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